CardCow Vintage Days of Week Postcards

Seeing these CardCow Vintage Days of Week Postcards are viewed with a bit of whimsy and are fun to discover.

The postcard shown here on this Saturday is the “On Saturday Days of the Week Original Vintage Postcard”. 

It is part of the Days of the Week Series of postcards by CardCow Vintage Postcards.   If one were to collect the entire week the price could add up, so far I’m not seeing all seven days of the week sold together, rather sold individually, with this one at $8.99 each.

Size is: 3.5″ x 5.5″

It is fun though, and something for me to be on the lookout next time I’m in a vintage shoppe and in the corner is a box of postcards to go through at a lower price perhaps.

With President’s Day on Monday – it means no mail on Monday – so this weekend is a great time to queue up letters to get them all out on Tuesday! Join me tomorrow for my Sunday blog post here at

Anchors Aweigh,  


On Saturday Days of the Week Original Vintage Postcard  Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today —

Image shown – On Saturday Days of the Week Original Vintage Postcard by CardCow Vintage Postcards



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