Sending Letters of Thanks to our Teachers

This first week of May includes Teacher Appreciation Week: May 04 – 08.   

My Dad’s career included teaching at the college level and my Mom taught first grade for many years before retiring.   One of the things that Dad stressed was that learning is a lifetime ongoing journey and we are constantly reading and growing.  He encouraged setting aside 2-5% of your income annually for continued professional development: books, classes and conferences to stay up to date.  We are blessed with internet technology today with many offerings available for ‘free’ just bring your own ‘elbow grease’ to dig in and learn!

In thinking of teachers I know I am not alone in having been fortunate to have had several favorite teachers along the way who took a personal interest in me and that made a difference in my life.  I’m glad that when I was in High School I managed to send a thank you letter to my sixth grade teacher who I adored thanking her for the time she spent with me in class.    All these years later and I can still remember her smile and enthusiasm for encouraging us to READ lots and lots of books!

Sending Letters of Thanks

And then there are the letters of ‘good intentions’ that never got written but are written in our hearts to our teachers from long ago.    Perhaps today it is not too late to write them and let them know!

We think of our school teachers (from pre-school to grad school) who made a difference of having interesting lesson plans, and of teacher assistants, it could be that piano teacher (who may have also been your Grandmother), Sunday School puppet ministry teacher, photography instructor, High School drama teacher, for home schooling it could be Mom and/or Dad, it could be the parent who taught you to drive (!), the scout leader who camped even when it did rain to teach the full ‘camping experience’,  the art professor who recommended you for a scholarship, it could be the web developer who shares their insights with you teaching along the way as to why Word Press works like it does    … the list of so many talented and special people we know collectively as our Teachers – the gift of your time made into our lives is appreciated and valued.   Thank you for making the difference! 

I encourage you to join me in sending a Letter of Thanks to your special Teacher this month – something they will treasure in the years to come.

Anchors Aweigh,  






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