The email in my inbox this morning was so compelling that I changed what was planned for today’s blog post to share this timely Linn’s Stamp News story about the early sale of the Elvis stamp, especially given yesterday’s blog post was all about the new Elvis stamp that was revealed.
Special thank you to my stamp club friend with the Wilmington Philatelic Society who sent me the email sharing with me the link to the news story of the early sale of the Elvis stamp. I am told it is not all that unusual for a stamp to “slip our” early but it is not supposed to happen, and in this case even the Postal Inspectors got involved.
Attribution: Image shown upper left by heather walls (talk) and Simon Child, from The Noun Project [CC BY 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.
Linn’s Stamp News Story: Elvis Presley stamps sold early in Tennessee
For those of you not familiar with stamp collecting, I have learned that “Linn’s Stamp News is the world’s largest newspaper devoted to stamp collecting” and is the trusted source of stamp collecting news.
The Linn’s Stamp News story begins with “Elvis has just left the building — a little earlier than he was supposed to.”

The article is about a stamp collector who “reports purchasing three 16-stamp panes of the new Elvis Presley commemorative forever stamp in the Mason, Tenn., post office on Aug. 10, two days before the Aug. 12 official issue date.” … “Modern U.S. early-use covers normally have nominal value in the stamp market. International interest of Elvis Presley fans might stimulate increased interest in early finds of the Elvis Presley forever stamp…”
To read the entire article click here. Thank you to Linn’s Stamp News (On Twitter: @LinnsStampNews).
Today’s article certainly gives us ‘something to write home about’ with Elvis ‘leaving the building early’!
Anchors Aweigh,