Happy Saturday on this 4th of July weekend with John Philip Sousa Commemorative 1997 Stamp. It is called the “The Stars and Stripes Forever!” stamp.
Today includes starting off with a whimsical rendition of Stars and Stripes Forever with the Muppets!
It will have you marching around the house with an added bounce in your step!
The Stars and Stripes Forever Issue 1997 stamp
Over at NewSousaBand.com with Keith Brion Founder and director of the New Sousa Band it includes these details about the stamp.
WASHINGTON – Recently, the U.S. Postal Service paid tribute to the most popular march that John Philip Sousa, the March King, conducted, by issuing the Stars and Stripes Forever! stamp in conjunction with STAMPSHOW ‘97 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Keith Brion appeared as a guest conductor for this special occasion.
The 32-cent special stamp commemorates the 100th anniversary of the premiere of The Stars and Stripes Forever! march…” It goes onto give Sousa’s biography. To read the entire article click here.
Two Audio Articles on John Philip Sousa
There is a 9 minute audio interview from 2014 with Keith Brion on Celebrating John Philip Sousa’s 160th Birthday. This was a lot of fun to listen to on this Saturday morning and I hope you’ll make the time to hear it too.
There is an 2 minute audio article from earlier this week on How John Philip Sousa Almost Authored Our National Anthem. It includes “Yet, Sousa chose not to lobby for his own music, explaining in a letter from 1915: “If The Stars and Stripes Forever ever becomes a national air it will be because the people want it and not because of any congressional decree.””
There are many fun memories for me hearing this song and I’m recalling community parades where we would go to hear my Mom perform which included Sousa’s Stars & Stripes Forever! Here’s to having fun replaying the Muppets rendition above again today!

John Philip Sousa Commemorative 1997 Stamp Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Stars & Stripes FOREVER! | Muppet Music Video | The Muppets posted by The Muppets, uploaded November 23, 2009 @TheMuppets
Image shown upper left USPS The Stars and Stripes Forever #3153 – 1997 32c at Mystic Stamp Company
Excerpt NewSousaBand.com The Stars and Stripes Forever! Commemorative Stamp
WBUR Here & Now Celebrating John Philip Sousa’s 160th Birthday November 06, 2014 @WBUR
Excerpt How John Philip Sousa Almost Authored Our National Anthem June 30, 2016 by WQXR Staff @WQXR