July 4th Greeting eCards Printables is our Sunday blog post today. There are several options for July 4th Greeting eCards available to send, some to download and print and/or both options.
If you find yourself wanting to still have something to send tomorrow there is time!
Jacquie Lawson e-cards
The image shown above upper left is from Jacquie Lawson e-cards. It is entitled Yankee Doodle with Greeting: Happy 4th of July!
“Jack the Puppy joins the parade down Main Street. Includes USA map puzzle!” To view all of the July 4th /US Patriotic Cards click here.
July 4th Themed Printables
Over at CaramelPotatoes.com they have some fun 4th of July themed printables I came across perfect for printing and using this weekend. These 4th of July {free} Printables: Stars and Stripes Forever are a lot of fun!
It includes the Stars and Stripes Forever tag shown here.
“If you want to add a little extra “bang” to your celebration, this Stars and Stripes Forever printable is the perfect addition! You can download the 8×10 or a 5×7 print for framing to help put your home in the holiday spirit.”
While there you will have fun exploring the site and looking at the many Printables projects listed there.
If you find yourself wanting to still have something to send tomorrow there is time. Join me tomorrow for my July 4th blog post!

July 4th Greeting eCards Printables Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Image shown upper left Jacquie Lawson e-cards – Yankee Doodle e-card. “Jacquie Lawson is an artist living in the picturesque village of Lurgashall in southern England. Her small team of family and friends create electronic greeting cards of great delicacy and beauty, with a whimsical humour which will delight everyone to whom you send them.” Link to Jacquie Lawson July 4th US Patriotic Cards.
Image shown above CaramelPotatoes.com 4th of July {free} Printables: Stars and Stripes Forever @CaramelPotatoes