All Things Postal – Clothes Encounters of the Postal Kind

On this Tuesday morning, our daily blog topic encouraging letter writing is Clothes Encounters of the Postal Kind!  Today is Day 11 of National Letter Writing Month #Write_On campaign. For my new email blog subscribers here – Welcome!

Before we get started, consider this your LAST CALL reminder to get any Easter cards you may have been thinking about sending off – be sure to get them into the outgoing snail mail today!

Clothes Encounters of the Postal Kind

My local stamp club, the Wilmington Philatelic Society here in North Carolina is having its monthly club meeting tonight. I’ve got All Things Postal category on my mind, it is a new category for some of the daily blog posts here at AnchoredScraps.

The image above upper left is from Clothes encounters – The list: 5 postal fashion statements from March 9, 2017.

“Like the Postal Service itself, employee uniforms have evolved over the years. From left, a letter carrier delivers mail circa 1908; a 1940s carrier; an early 1970s carrier; and a carrier in 2014.”  

The article shares 5 postal fashion statements from Postal History: 1. First uniforms, 2. Women’s uniforms, 3. Stars and stripes, 4. Satchels, and item 5. Hats.  You can read the entire article at; it references the inspiration for their article being newly issued Oscar de la Renta stamps that came out in February 2017.

Thank you for joining me today for All Things Postal – Clothes Encounters of the Postal Kind. And don’t forget to mail your Easter cards today to allow plenty of time for arriving, especially the “Baby’s First Easter” cards! Here’s to putting our best of letter writing intentions pen to paper and out the door to the mail!  Wishing you a great day ahead!

Anchors Aweigh,  


All Things Postal – Clothes Encounters of the Postal Kind Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today

Image above Clothes encounters The list: 5 postal fashion statements 

Wilmington Philatelic Society (WPS). daily blog post – National Letter Writing Month 2017 Write_On Challenge, April 01, 2017, by Helen Rittersporn #Write_On



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