We are enjoying this morning looking at some of the Solar Eclipse Post Cards available online.
Instructables Make Your Own Viewer

And in time for Monday’s Solar Eclipse, Instructables has a great post on walking you through step by step to make a Simple, Affordable, High Quality Solar Eclipse Viewer From a Cereal Box.
If it sounds familiar I included a mention of it in my 900th Daily Blog post this past Sunday and including it today in case you missed it.
KinshipLetterpress Solar Eclipse Post Cards
First of all, in the upper left is a Solar Eclipse Post Card from Etsy KinshipLetterpress. It is one of three styles shown in the menu pull-down listing.
“These are high quality post cards that not only look awesome but feel great too. They work great as a post card to mail off to a friend who actually got to see the solar eclipse but also work for someone who maybe wasn’t able to come and see the solar eclipse with you. This post card is dual purpose and can also stand alone as a piece of art work. …”
Zazzle Solar Eclipse Post Cards
Next, there are numerous postcard listings over at Zazzle for Solar Eclipse. Today, I’m just showing this one as it is really unique.
In conclusion, have fun exploring, creating, and getting any letter writing done that you are wanting to talk about Monday’s Solar Eclipse!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today

Solar Eclipse Post Card from Etsy KinshipLetterpress. Image, excerpt.
AnchoredScraps.com 900th Daily Blog Post Today, August 13, 2107, by Helen Rittersporn.
Instructables Simple, Affordable, High Quality Solar Eclipse Viewer From a Cereal Box by IrynaC.