Today’s date, July 29, 2018, is the date for the 2018 Baseball Hall of Fame Pictorial Postmark; and we are Celebrating AnchoredScraps 1250th Daily Blog Post Milestone!

2018 Baseball Hall of Fame Pictorial Postmark
First of all, the complete instructions for requesting the pictorial postmark is here in the Pictorial Postmarks Announcement over at the current USPS Postal Bulletin. It is for the Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Day Station. We have until August 28, 2018, for requesting it by mail following the process. Also, I’m including below this post of mine for last year, 2017.
Furthermore, over at Collect Postmarks, there is a thorough listing of current pictorial postmarks available. My thanks for the image of the postmark shown today; their image is a lot clearer than over at the Postal Bulletin. I’m including both links below.
Celebrating AnchoredScraps 1250th Daily Blog Post Milestone
One Thousand Two Hundred And Fifty – that is the number of days in a row of blogging since launching on February 26, 2015. This is a link to the AnchoredScrapsMilestoneBlogposts, for milestones for each 100 blog posts milestone and my annual anniversary posts too.
It was just 50 days ago we were celebrating the milestone of AnchoredScraps 1200 Daily Blog Post (6-09-2018). This next weekend, I will be presenting at upcoming WordCamp Birmingham 2018. Thank you for continuing to be on this daily blog journey encouraging putting pen to paper and writing more letters! I’m going to be putting together a special envelope cache with what I send off for getting the 2018 Baseball Hall of Fame Pictorial Postmark – stay tuned!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
7-19-2018 USPS Postal Bulletin 22498, 2018 Baseball Hall of Fame Pictorial Postmark
Collect Postmarks Available Postmarks, image
Pictorial Postmark National Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Day 2017 7-30-2017