For our letter writing interests today I’m beginning the first of what will be several posts over the summer about “In praise of Collecting Hotel Stationery”. My special thanks to pen pal Joyce for the suggestion!

We are going to have to have an entire category for Vintage Hotel Stationery!
Up front I have to say it is getting harder for me to find this at hotels. Another category can be the collecting of the hotel notepads usually around 4 x 6 in size.
I’ve even got personalized Cruise ship stationery from when we went on the Captain’s tour on the Princess Regal last year.
Over at HubPages last month there is an article about “Collect Hotel Stationery From Around the World”.
As we wrap up today, our focus has been on introducing the idea. In addition, I’m having a call for action for gathering images of any hotel stationery your may have among your own stationery stash – you can send me either snail mail or email with a copy of image. Thank you in advance!
Anchors Aweigh,
Letter Writing – In praise of Collecting Hotel Stationery Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today –
HubPages Collect Hotel Stationery From Around the World by Cecil Kenmill; Updated on June 17, 2018. @HubPagesDotCom
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