With Wimbledon underway (June 25–July 15, 2018), today’s post is on The Wimbledon Postcard Collection of 50 classic postcards from 2015. I’m wrapping up a project which is requiring me to find navy blue flat shoelaces; while the color I’m needing is neither Dark green nor purple, it is fun to come across this postcard collection from 2015.

The set lists at the official site for $24; however, I’m finding it on Amazon for less than $20.
“… This stylish, high quality postcard collection captures the unique flavour and atmosphere of the word famous Wimbledon tennis championships.
This officially endorsed product includes 50 high quality postcards – photographs taken by some of the world’s top tennis photographers – all neatly packaged in a high quality, presentation box, complete with green and purple ribbon…
Details:• Official Wimbledon product• Bright, fun, collectable and unusual gift• Out in time for the 129th Championships• Appeals to all Tennis fan”,
Anchors Aweigh,
The Wimbledon Postcard Collection Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today –
The Wimbledon Postcard Collection by The All England Tennis Club, images, excerpt
Previous AnchoredScraps blog post you may enjoy reading: Tennis Anyone? 9-03-2015