The Woodland Birds Notecards by the USPS is of interest to me, especially with those I know who are birding enthusiasts! One week from today is July 4th, 2019!

Over three years ago, the USPS was offering the Songbirds Notecards with corresponding stamps. The stationery set we are looking at today is featuring the Birds in Winter Forever stamps. And whereas before there was one notecard for each different stamp, this set has one design of the stationery note cards showing all four of the birds.
USPS Woodland Birds Notecards
One of the things I love about the USPS notecard stationery sets is how it includes the corresponding postage stamps. And with these being Forever stamps I’m not worrying that later I may have to add additional postage.
The set of 8 Woodland Birds Notecards is $15.95. They measure 4.5″ x 6.25″ in size meaning a photo fits nicely inside it. At the USPS Postal Store S_882150 today it is showing these as “New”, yet the issue date is showing September 22, 2018 – which is the date the stamps came out so I’m thinking the date is for the stamps and not for the notecards themselves. For my local stamp club buddies, alert! I’m hoping we can figure this one out!
“… you can enjoy a whimsical re-imagining of the Birds in Winter issuance… the ornate and colorful design features the four birds from the stamps perched among twining branches…”
The eight notecards of the one design include white envelopes and 8 of the Birds in Winter Forever stamps (4 of them, twice).
In wrapping up today’s post, I’m sharing that yes, one of the birding enthusiasts I’m thinking of is our four-legged Brittany spaniel, Cooper. He was signing his paw to his birthday greetings he is sending to his dog-Aunt today! I’m off to go help him seal the envelope.
Anchors Aweigh,
P.S. Today is AnchoredScraps daily blog post #1583, we are continuing the trek to 1600!
Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
USPS Woodlands Birds Notecards
AnchoredScraps Songbirds Notecards, 5-11-2016; Upcoming Birds in Winter Forever Stamps 08-23-2018