Chinese Chippendale Pattern Notecards Stationery

It is amazing finding the Chinese Chippendale Pattern Notecards Stationery by erinshelby, Dallas, Texas, on Etsy.  The Tickled Pink Ink by Erinshelby has many beautiful stationery offerings. This pattern we are looking at today is really timely for me with my recently coming across Chippendale pattern furniture in wonderful condition at a vintage antique store locally.

Chinese Chippendale Pattern Notecards Stationery – Chinoiserie

For starters, the primary colors available for choosing one is Pink, Gray, Green, and Navy.

The pricing at $12.50 for the personalized set, I’m thinking of possible gift ideas for letter-writing friends.

“… Set of 10 flat 5″ x 7″ note cards on thick, lightly textured cardstock with 10 white envelopes. 

Personalize these notes to fit your style. Perfect gift! Add a name, monogram or simple initial…see font and monogram style choices. Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂

Each set comes gift wrapped in a clear cellophane bag tied with coordinating raffia…ready for gift giving!

Chinese Chippendale Pattern Notecards Stationery

– 10 flat white, thick card stock
– 5 x 7 inches

– 10 White … “

Furthermore, I’m including the “Tickled Pink Ink” Monogram and Font Styles for seeing the many options available with personalizing the Chinese Chippendale Pattern Notecards Stationery.

Currently, I’m thinking of selecting the Pink; however, the Navy is competing for a very close second place. Have fun exploring her many offerings at her Tickled Pink Ink Etsy Shop, since 2009.

Join me tomorrow for my Thursday blog post. See you then!

In the meantime, I’m continuing to pour through a huge book on antique furniture. And reading terminology online too, i.e. “Chippendale designs fall into three main styles: Gothic, Rococo (called modern in the pattern book), and Chinese.” 

Anchors Aweigh,  


Attribution & Thank you to the following who I referenced above –

Erinshelby Tickled Pink Ink




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