We are looking at the Rotary Dial Telephone Postcards. In addition, it is fun including the Sky’s Edge Rotary Cellphone Partial Kit available, should you or someone you know of is wanting to use a rotary dial with your cell phone.

To begin with, the Sky’s Edge UN-SMARTPHONES web page includes a 3G Rotary Cell Phone Partial Kit. Also there we get to read from her personal website the posting from February 17, 2020, about the Rotary Cellphone.
From Justine Haupt February 17, 2020 Update on Rotary Cellphone
“I’ve been getting so many requests from people wanting to buy the rotary cellphone that I’ve decided to make it available in kit form. Builders will still need to find the right rotary dial and order a handful of other bits, but the “hard part” (the mainboard and the 3D printed casing with threaded inserts and buttons) is available for sale from my new robotics company here: skysedge.us
It is a joy finding this and love the idea of Rotary Cellphone Kit DIY project!
Over at CafePress, it includes Product ID: 410799286, Rotary Dial Telephone Postcards. It is in a package of 8 and sells for less than $12.00.
Today was the last in the series on ode to rotary with stationery in postcards, notecards, and on a USPS stamp!
Join me tomorrow for my Friday blog post. Was it just me, or a fast week for you too? Until then…
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
Sky’s Edge website, Open Source Technology