With Thanksgiving less than two weeks away, my Sending Thankful For You Greetings printable is our focus today. In addition, I’m including a lookback at two previous blog posts of free printables – one is of several beautiful Thanksgiving postcards, and the other on Snail-Mail Origami for envelope-free letter sending.

One of the things I realize with the passing of each year is how in retrospect time seems to fly by faster; however this year we can actually change the narrative and send out a note with the approaching Thanksgiving Holiday.
Sending Thankful for you greetings printable

The printable I have created is a “little something” for sending sentiments of thanks to our family and friends. And IF for some reason time still gets away, you can always take a snapshot of your handwritten note and text it, and/or email it to the recipient – with a note that the actual one is on its way to them via snail mail!
Looking back at some of the previous free digital downloads (including one for Thanksgiving)
One of my previous blog posts was on the Cathe Holden Vintage Thanksgiving Postcards offering free digital downloads. One of them is of a beautiful Thanksgiving Turkey and Strawberries from Vintage Thanksgiving Postcards. (November 19, 2016).
Furthermore, if wanting to be extra creative with FOLDING your snail mail (for inserting or sending envelope free) – I still enjoy my blog post about the Snail Mail Origami Envelope Free at Instructables (July 12, 2017).
In closing, I hope you’ll join me taking a few minutes to do a little letter writing to share across the miles – whether it be 10 miles across town, or across the country. Remember our sentiments get to be re-read AND kept, long after the Holiday. See you back here on Wednesday.
Anchors Aweigh,
AnchoredScraps #2037
Attribution & Thank you to Cathe Holden, and Instructables, links above for both.