The expression “everything that is old is new again” looks to be the case with PreOrdering Steampunk Visions Postcard Book.
We have covered some Steampunk items here before with keyboard inspired, and mouse inspired – today it is Postcards! “Fanciful vintage steampunk vision postcards, created in Paris in 1899, colorfully illustrate a future that never was . . . with airships, robots, and more!”
The Steampunk Visions Postcard Book while it is described as being a 48-page paperback – the description on the cover states it contains “a delightful assortment of 24 postcards” is in a 6 x 4.25 size. Barnes & Noble shows it available for pre-order for February 14, and Amazon has it listed for pre-ordering now for a March 14th date.
“… Originally from a series entitled En L’An 2000 (In the Year 2000) depicting the future’s imaginary scientific advances, the original cards were produced for the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris,
most likely printed for enclosure in cigarette/cigar boxes to promote the World Exhibition.
Little is known about the life and work of commercial artist Jean Marc Côté. He worked as an occasional illustrator for the small French toy company Armand Gervais, which produced the original cards.”
This will be interesting given a search in Wikipedia on En L’An 2000 shares “The only known set of the postcards was acquired by writer Isaac Asimov, who featured them in his nonfiction work Futuredays: A Nineteenth Century Vision of the Year 2000 (Henry Holt and Company, 1986).” And The Public Domain Review shares the same sentiment about the set by writer Isaac Asimov.
With the book pre-ordering price the same at both sites, for $9.08 I may have to order one to then compare with a library copy of Futuredays: A Nineteenth Century Vision of the Year 2000. I’m also hoping the book is constructed that I can use the postcards from the book for snailmail!
Who knew postcards could have so much mystery!
Anchors Aweigh,
PreOrdering Steampunk Visions Postcard Book Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today —
Steampunk Visions Postcard Book: A Delightful Assortment of 24 Postcards Depicting a Future That Never Was Paperback – March 14, 2017 by Jean Marc Cote (Author); Image above cover as shown at Amazon listing; Barnes & Noble listing.
Wikipedia En L’An 2000 excerpt
Reference to The Public Domain Review A 19th-Century Vision of the Year 2000
“Futuredays: A Nineteenth Century Vision of the Year 2000″ Link