AnchoredScraps Letter Writing Blog
The AnchoredScraps letter writing blog encourages old-style correspondence by putting pen to paper. Getting us to take action and not just think about it is one of the benefits of reading this letter writing blog.
I’ve been using digital technology blogging for connecting with analog kindred letter writing souls daily for over five years now.
Our letter writing can be as simple as enjoying handwriting on three-ring-notebook-paper. In addition, typewriters, postmarks, and stationery are items of interest. It’s all fun!
Thank you for joining me here where we are celebrating letter writing.
AnchoredScraps letter writing blog using digital technology to connect with fellow analog kindred letter writing souls
The letter writing topics continue to range from buying your first fountain pen to dusting off your typewriter. And it also enjoys the splurge of writing our letters on custom stationery too.
Letter writing via “old” styles of correspondence is the recurring theme. The ongoing impact of focusing a few precious moments for connecting with others through our letters is inspiring and motivating!

Celebrating 5 Years Anniversary Blogging Daily 2020
I’m beginning with February 26, 2020, Celebrating AnchoredScraps Five Year Anniversary Blogging Daily.
Letter writing categories continue to include stationery, typewriters, postcards, postage stamps, stamp collecting, fountain pens, and pencils. Also, there are occasional personal organization and other life interests and observations.
The beginning: AnchoredScraps first letter writing blog post 2015
Also, let’s look at the naming for the blog. [February 26, 2015, “There’s Been Talk!”]
“Naming – My Dad passed away unexpectedly last month, after a brief illness. I was honored to give his eulogy at his Memorial service celebrating 85 fully lived years sharing stories that were treasures to our family. A few weeks ago I was able to mail out a reprint of our family photo and included a printed note on my stationery with an image of an anchor and said these days I realized not all photos get printed but I have found by having the ones that are important printed it helps us to anchor their memory. This is what inspired my web name of; every time I see the name I am reminded its inspiration came from Dad as a tribute to his naval service.”

AnchoredScraps Letter Writing Blog Scope
Subsequently, as you will see in this second partial excerpt is how the blog scope got determined. It continues to be inspiring seeing its still applicable with its focus and intent five years later!
“The 4 W’s – no, I don’t mean taxes! In determining the scope for my blog, I found advice offered recently at #blogchat to be very helpful. Each Sunday evening on Twitter there is #blogchat hosted by @MackCollier.
His 4 W‘s he tweeted helped me crystalize my scope.
1 -Why am I blogging? Anchor our memories – our stories – to make sure we are capturing them and sharing with those important to us.
2 -Who am I blogging for? Kindred storytellers looking for insights of how to balance the juggle of new technology along with old-style corresponding via hand letter writing to keep connected with our family and friends.
3 -What content do they want? Helpful tips on imprinting our stories with the people who matter to us, inspiration, and help that nudges us on towards this big picture.
4 -What actions do I want them to take? Encourage carving out regularly 15 minutes to connect with others via ‘old’ styles of correspondence, such as a handwritten notes, and sending cards to friends and family – to invest in their “Important but not Urgent activities” as described by Stephen Covey.”
Helen's Typewriter Collection
When I first began blogging here I had my Olivetti Lettera 22 typewriter. Fast Forward five years and my modest collection are now up to seven typewriters! You can read all about them here.

Whimsical blog posts
These blog posts still have me smiling recalling writing them, just a sampling here
“Keep Moving” – Celebrating Dick Van Dyke’s 90th Birthday!” December 13, 2015
Pure Imagination, May 28, 2015
8,385 Jelly Beans, April 4, 2015
We are approaching Milestone #2000 daily letter writing blog posts
One more thing to mention, the AnchoredScraps Milestone #2000 Daily blog posts are fast approaching on August 17. 2020.
Lastly, I am including this recurring quote of mine reflecting every 100 daily blog posts Milestones.
“Any Tendency for procrastination must be contained within 24 hours each day…because the timestamp is going to occur regardless.” – Helen Rittersporn,”
In closing, thank you for joining me on this daily blog journey exploring, encouraging, and celebrating letter writing!