Today, April 09, we debut Complement Thursday with showcasing
When I first came across Mark Tucker’s blog on March 27, 2015 I immediately liked it! I discovered his site while looking in Twitter at the #fountainpen stream and our posts showed up next to each other.

As you will quickly see like I did, his blog complements the focus of For those of you maybe not familiar with how I am using complement today, it is defined as ‘counterpart, something that completes or makes perfect.’ His logo is used with permission. Given I plan ahead my daily blog schedule today’s blog has been queued up for a few weeks!
The About page describes Mark’s focus as:
“Write Analog is about pencils, pens, paper and other analog tools used for the writing and creative process. He continues with: “As much as I love writing by hand, I’m by no means anti-digital. I’m typing this on my MacBook Pro, and I’m tethered to my iPhone like a teenager. Apps and software are awesome, but my creative process has evolved to a point where the analog component is more important and makes me happier…” And later … A goal I have for Write Analog is to provide interesting information about various analog writing tools…”
His twitter profile (@writeanalog) describes himself as “Super fan of writing with analog tools. Book addict. Blogger and fiction writer in training” from Montana.

First of all, I encourage you to subscribe to his weekly newsletter. By subscribing it also, “gives you automatic entry to a monthly giveaway for something very cool and very analog.”
Secondly, when you receive his weekly newsletter plan to invest a few minutes to explore the links to the curated list he provides in addition to his own posting with obviously a lot of care and enthusiasm he has taken the time putting together and shares from his perspective why each shared post he likes in detail. The newsletters I’ve received the past few weeks are packed with his having already distilled the “best of ” posts with usually 10 highlights of stories. While I was vaguely familiar with a term Field Notes, now after reading his current post on it I am motivated now and must get one! Something tells me one does not own just one!
Thank you to Mark for the time he continues to put into his blog and for sharing his insights! It was enjoyable reading The WRITE Analog Manifesto, on that random thoughts page it includes a list of Blogs he loves to read with links to a whole new world.
Tomorrow we will continue our theme for this week of Writing Outside the Box!Anchors Aweigh,