Enjoying the beautiful Sunday weather today included picking up my copy of Seth Godin’s small book (in size, not in ideas) of “We are all Weird” (2011). And there on page 28 was a paragraph about Jack Zylkin and his idea to add a USB cable to your beloved typewriter and you have the “USB Typewriter“! In looking at etsy.com sure enough there he is and the selection is there to get a typewriter that has already had the conversion done to it or you can opt for the kit and do it yourself. What a fantastic idea! So if a person wants to type a novel on their iPad using an old typewriter they can.
On March 09 my blog included showing photo of my Olivetti Lettera 22 Manual Typewriter that I still use.

In exploring further today’s discovery of the USB Typewriter I came across a documentary The Typewriter (in the 21st Century) (2012) – “a film about a machine and the people who love, use and repair it.” The site includes a link to the Washington Post Review of the movie, The Typewriter, from July 23, 2013. I found the movie on Amazon for free for Prime Members. In watching it, there at the 43:30 minutes into the 58 minute movie is Jack Zylkin himself being interviewed with one of his USB Typewriters demonstrated!
How many letters have you ever ‘written’ on your typewriter? I still use my Olivetti Lettera 22 at least once a month for a special letter to send and love the sound it makes especially when returning each line and the ‘ring’ it makes.
The question that comes to mind is do I add this conversion kit to my prized Olivetti or do I get another typewriter and convert it? What about you? Do you have a typewriter sitting around your home and if so could you see yourself enjoying this approach? In the coming month I am going to explore this option – so stay tuned! I can especially see using this option for writing some of my blog articles.
What is important is that our letters get written – whether they be hand written, typed, hand printed, and that we get them mailed off to be enjoyed and re-read over and over! So if you should type them remember USB is now optional!
Anchors Aweigh,