Have you been curious about what’s on the banner on the home page of AnchoredScraps.com?
When looking at the home page the blog entries cover up a lot of the items that are part of the banner.
Today’s blog post is showcasing the photo with all of the banner items.
Pictured from left to right:
My Olivetti Lettera 22 portable manual typewriter which I believe the design came out in 1950. I still have its leather case and have had this typewriter for almost 30 years. The model is referenced in the book, “Objects of Design: The Museum of Modern Art Hardcover” – September 2, 2003. I read that in 1959 the Illinois Institute of Technology chose the Lettera 22 typewriter as the best design product of the last 100 years. It takes a cloth ribbon which includes both black and red ink on the spool. I still type letters on it occasionally – and am reminded when using it that I have to use a lot more pressure typing than on a computer laptop keyboard.
The four paperweights are from a collection a dear friend came across as part of a huge lot when clearing out an attic in a home she was renovating.
Behind the paperweights are my four fountain pens, and I do use them. One is a Waterman. One takes both ink well style (I do have a bottle of ink) and also ink cartridges. The ink cartridge colors I use are turquoise, black, fuschia, and a blue/purple. When writing with my fountain pens I have to first shake the pen (with the cap on) and then place under running water for a few seconds to get the ink flowing and then I’m in business. And yes, afterwards, especially with the turquoise ink my hands have to be washed off to get rid of some stray ink! I have had these fountain pens for almost ten years – they were collected over a years time – including an outing to a fountain pen show with another dear friend (think Lucy & Ethel type adventure!)
Behind the fountain pens is a letter opener and magnifying glass set that I got around the same time as the fountain pens.
To the right is my Dad’s Mamiya C330 film twin-lens reflex camera that I’m using 120 roll film – black and white with it. My Dad had given it to me over ten years ago. In the past two weeks I have had it professionally checked out at Southeastern Camera and am now shooting photos with it and can’t wait to finish the roll. It will be processed locally by them and will get scanned and put onto disc for me in digitized format – all with the intent of me uploading to this blog – be on the lookout for them in the future!
If you were to look around your home you would probably come up with some kind of a related collection theme too. It could be baseball cards, childhood action figures, model airplanes, stamp collection, dolls, comic books, and/or Pokeman cards – whatever the collection it is prized by you. It might be worth taking the time to write down a few of the highlights about it so years from now you are not having to figure out its history.
Thanks for taking the tour with me today. Who knows you might find yourself documenting your collection – which could be the topic for a future letter you write!
Anchors Aweigh,