On June 1st, 1938 Superman appeared for the first time!
Superman was created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian Joe Shuster and made his first appearance on this day in D.C. Comics’ Action Comics Series issue #1, it sold for 10 cents!
The photo shown today upper left: Screen capture of actor George Reeves as Superman in the U.S. government film “Stamp Day for Superman”, 1954. File:Stamp Day for Superman.jpg. Attribution: By U.S. Treasury Department (United States Treasury Department film) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Thank you to The People History site for date info on Superman first comic appearance.
Stamp Day for Superman 1954 film
Thought you would enjoy knowing there was a film made in 1954, “Stamp Day for Superman” it is a “black-and-white short film starring George Reeves as Superman and Noel Neill as Lois Lane. It was produced by Superman Inc. for the United States Department of the Treasury to promote the purchase of U.S. Savings Bonds. Never shown theatrically, it was distributed to schools as a means of educating children about the program. Due to its nature as a government film, Stamp Day for Superman is in the public domain and can often be found on inexpensive DVD sets. Warner Bros. also released the film as part of the Adventures of Superman Season 2 DVD set.” Thank you to wiki (On Twitter @Wikipedia) for ‘Stamp Day for Superman’ information.
Here is a YouTube link of the film (it is less than 18 minutes). This version on YouTube includes a half-minute intro at the beginning to give its historic intro.
If we fast forward to 2010 – in the United States Homer Simpson Named Best TV Character Jun. 1st, 2010 “Entertainment Weekly announced that Homer Simpson was to be named the best television and film character of the past twenty years. The cartoon character was best known for his love of eating and oafish antics. The Simpsons character beat out Harry Potter and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, who came in as second and third on the magazine’s list.” Thank you to The People History site for date info on Homer Simpson 2010.
Super Personal Letter Writing Goal for June: Super Seven!

Photo on right: “Lucy and Superman” is an episode from the sitcom I Love Lucy first broadcast on January 14, 1957 on CBS. The episode features a guest appearance by George Reeves as Superman (Season 6, Episode 13). Publicity photo of Lucille Ball from I Love Lucy. File:Lucy as superman 1957.JPG.
It looks like a Super Month Ahead in June!
This is our call to Action to stop and take out our respective calendar and look at dates important to us, our family and friends this month. We want to see who has a birthday, if there are any college graduations, upcoming weddings, summer camp trips, and make sure noting any Summer vacations in our calendar! It is not to soon to make that Father’s Day card or purchase one and be sure to get into the mail with plenty of time.
Here are some dates in June: June 06 D Day, WWII; June 14 Flag Day; June 21 Father’s Day – third Sunday; and June 21 Summer Solstice (The longest day of the year!)
Please make the time now to jot down these dates on your calendar. It’s going to be a Super Month of June!
Anchors Aweigh,