As the month of June begins to wrap up have you made it to your local Farmer’s Market yet? Images of corn, tomatoes, cantaloupes, and watermelons in the outdoor market come to mind. The US Postal Service has captured these favorite Summer foods in four new Forever stamps “Summer Harvest”.
There is a planned issue date of July 11, 2015. You can pre-order at the US Postal Service site (on Twitter @USPS). There was this tweet by the USPS Stamps @USPSstamps Jun 15, The @SummerHarvest Forever® stamps are now available for preorder! …
Drawing on vintage crate labels, the stamp designs inspiration included seed packets, and catalogs. Attribution: Image upper left of #Summer Harvest Forever stamps US Postal Service.

Another outing we went to a blueberry patch (acreage is more like it) and several hours later we left with a lot of blueberries!
The planning to set aside the time to make sure we went was worth the effort resulting in great outings. I would recall these outings in letters to my Aunt & Uncle as they loved their four acre garden! They enjoyed seeing the photos that I sent along with the letter and likewise they sent photos back of their bountiful garden when writing. One year they sent okra seed pods for my girlfriend and there were many letters we sent showing their growth. It is great having some of these events included in my scrapbook with photos and journaling. This one 12 x 12 scrapbook page I am looking at recalls it was one Saturday in February 1998, Saturday, and we spent the morning enjoying a brisk walk around the Raleigh Farmer’s Market. We each bought an orchid plant.” How the time has flown by since then! I’m so grateful for the scrapbook album because I do not think this many years later I would have remembered about the orchid plant, or the weather.
I’ll be pre-ordering my Summer Harvest stamps later today. For my pen-pals who are email subscribers to this blog we can smile when a future letter arrives from me with these new stamps and vice-versa!
Anchors Aweigh,