Welcome to August at AnchoredScraps.com! Today is a bit whimsy and short in text given it is a delightful Summer day and like you am enjoying today being the first of FIVE Saturday’s in this 31-day month!
This quote seems perfect:
“When Summer opens, I see how fast it matures, and fear it will be short; but after the heats of July and August, I am reconciled, like one who has had his swing, to the cool of autumn.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

It was fun to come across this 1988 25-cent U.S. stamp of the honeybee – it shows a gold-and-black worker honeybee clinging to pink clover florets. (Attribution of image on right: from Smithsonian National Postal Museum web site (On Twitter: @PostalMuseum): “The 25-cent multicolored Honeybee definitive coil stamp (Scott 2281) was issued on September 2, 1988. The Honeybee stamp was the first combination-process coil stamp issued by the United States Postal Service.” (On Twitter @USPS & @USPSStamps)
“The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that and to wonder at it”. Jacques Yves Cousteau
Create some Buzz with your family & friends
Today think of creating some buzz with your family & friends when they receive real mail from you! Won’t you join me in making a personal goal to write five letters this month ? Go ahead and list WHO you are going to write! If you write one letter/note/card each Saturday you will have met your goal!
Wishing you a bee-utiful Saturday!
Anchors Aweigh,