So what topic made today’s blog post #299 ? “Let’s Keep Christmas” – A Sermon by Peter Marshall (1902-1949)
This small book is (6 x 7) that is found on top of the stack of Christmas books in our guest room this time of year. It was first published in 1952 and includes an introduction by his wife Catherine Marshall who went on to author “A Man Called Peter” in 1951, a biography about him.
There is a wonderful verse from it that I love so much I had it embossed onto the back of my 12″ X 12″ Christmas Scrapbook Album Volume II about ten years ago:
“So we will not “spend” Christmas…
nor “observe” Christmas.
We will “keep” Christmas –keep it as it is…
in all the loveliness of its ancient traditions.”
– Peter Marshall
Even though I’ve read this book for over 30 years writing today’s blog meant I wanted to know a little more and I already knew he was a Presbyterian pastor but did not know he was twice appointed as Chaplain of the United States Senate. Other books Catherine Marshall wrote included “Christy”. It was interesting to read that ten years after he died unexpectedly at the age of 46 from a heart attack – she married Leonard LeSourd, executive editor of Guideposts magazine and when she passed away in 1983 she “was buried at her request next to her first husband Peter Marshall.”
It was fun to come across this three and one half minute audio of Dick Van Dyke published in 2012 reading the entire short sermon posted by Guideposts. It includes my favorite verse in it being read.

This is another one of my Christmas books that gets read most every year and will find me printing off today’s blog post to tuck in between the pages of the book and add a few handwritten sentiments onto it for future reads. Here’s to “keeping” Christmas – especially with December 25 just four days away!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today —
Image above upper left cover & excerpt – “Let’s Keep Christmas” – A Sermon by Peter Marshall, 1952.
YouTube: Dick Van Dyke reads “Lets Keep Christmas” published November 16, 2012 by Guideposts @guideposts_org