Today’s blog post is entitled Helen writes about the 4th of July 2000 !, it is from 16 years ago. I’m looking at my two-page layout from my scrapbook yearbook for the 4th of July that year.
Last year my July 4th blog post was “FREEDOM IS NOT FREE” (Copyright 1981 by Kelly Strong).
Some scrapbooks pages of mine have no photos; however, the memory is kept recorded through journaling. In 2000 there was a 4th of July where I sent an email to Dad about the day given the two of us lived in different states. He loved it so much he sent back a email reply. This resulted in my creating a two-page 12×12 scrapbook layout with my hand writing out the email I sent him along with his reply and that was my 4th of July layout for that year!
Helen writes about the 4th of July 2000 !
“On the fourth of July, 2000 that evening I sent an email to Dad & Mom ..recalling the days activities. Here’s what I wrote:
“It’s the Fourth of July and I see that Wimbledon is in full force, … Sounds cool that “Venus and Serena Williams won Fourth of July matches on Tuesday to set up an historic all-sister semifinal at Wimbledon”.
We ventured over to the Festival on the Eno this afternoon with 93 + degree weather — it was HOT! The concession food (similar to what you get on the midway at the State Fair or at football games was great! My corn dog was still hot out of the batter having been deep fried. We had BIG glasses of lemonade and his grilled kielbasa with all the fixings of onions, peppers, cheese, etc looked fabulous! We strolled around all the booths, there were five different stages of musicians all on their respective stages, there were kids everywhere, babies sleeping in their strollers while their parents languished looking for something cold to drink, dogs on their leashes being touted with their red, white, and blue ribbons at their neck, … Every few years we come out to the Festival (after a few years we forget how HOT it gets there!) … Loved seeing the hundred or so kids sitting in the river splashing but no one was “swimming”as the NO SWIMMING sign was posted. Booth’s of locally made (or brought in for the show) pottery, not the high gloss white ceramic pottery but the brown sort of pottery that I think of for North Carolina. Afterwards we stopped by Northgate Mall, nothing at the Gap worth sale prices and the highlight was having ice-cream at the 31 Flavors Baskin & Robbins. My day was made complete hearing Sousa marches at the Mall this afternoon! Does it get any more Americana than that? Got back and took a nap. Now piddling with scrapbooks prior to a late dinner of grilling steaks and do baked potatoes for dinner. We’ve rented National Lampoon’s ‘Vacation’!!’ Just a fun day. Happy 4th!” Love, Helen
The reply email came in with this review from Dad “”Boy, but you sure do write a great letter!! I could almost smell the food and hear … A really great letter and it made my day…Thanks again for a GREAT letter!! Love, Dad”
At the bottom of the page there are some hand written notes… “…and we parked nearby..hiking to the entrance no parking fees this year. There is a hand drawn smiley face next to it.
“What the Eno ran in costs for us…this year $10 each admission X 2, + $5 lemonade, +5 grilled kielbasa , +2 corndogs, +3 slushie = $35 ! Across the side of the second page of the two-page layout I have hand written “This page layout done November 05, 2000 by Helen…”
Thank you for joining me today for Helen writes about the 4th of July 2000! Here’s to having our letters help us remember and in this case by making the time to write it down for email it was also included in scrapbook layout too – and all without a single photo from the event!

Helen writes about the 4th of July 2000 Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today blog post “FREEDOM IS NOT FREE” (Copyright 1981 by Kelly Strong) July 04, 2015 written by Helen Rittersporn
Excerpt personal scrapbook 2000 by Helen Rittersporn, July 4th layout, included in scrapbook page referencing ESPN Tennis Wimbledon