There is an article today, July 5th, about a Rare Thomas Jefferson Letter Discovered For Sale at $325,000.
My professional organizing friends will have fun reading about a rare Thomas Jefferson letter “discovered in family’s attic”. Talk about a motivating incentive for decluttering your attic!
The newspaper article is entitled “Rare Thomas Jefferson letter discovered in family’s attic railing against the British goes on sale for $325,000”. It states the letter was put up for sale yesterday, July 4th, “which is exactly 190 years after Jefferson died in 1826”.
Rare Thomas Jefferson Letter Discovered For Sale
The article at the DailyMail shares the Four-page letter from Thomas Jefferson. “It was written at his Monticello home on Valentine’s Day, 1815, in response to a letter from U.S. Ambassador to France William Crawford”.
“…A rare letter written by Thomas Jefferson was found tucked away within a family’s heirlooms inside a box in the attic of their home. The unidentified family lives in the southern part of the country..” To read the entire article click here.

RAAB Collection
The RAAB Collection is “a Philadelphia dealer of historical documents” who are handling the sale.
There is a very comprehensive write up about the four page letter by Thomas Jefferson. “Thomas Jefferson Reacts to News of the End of the War of 1812, Comparing It to the American Revolution. He praises the “incalculable advantage of being made independent” of Britain, which independence he attributes to Britain’s own mistakes.”
Description – “Autograph letter signed, 4 pages, Monticello, February 14, 1815, to Crawford in Paris, touching on American independence, the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, the Treaty of Ghent, Napoleon, the Battle of New Orleans, and much else of great import.”
This is a link to their Thomas Jefferson items for sale – including other letters.
1968 Thomas Jefferson US Stamp
The stamp shown upper left today is the 1968 1cent Thomas Jefferson stamp, part of the Prominent Americans Series. “The Prominent Americans Series recognizes people who played important roles in U.S. history. Officials originally planned to honor 18 individuals, but later added seven others”. To read more about the stamp click here.
Here’s to enjoying motivating stories like this one today for dealing with those long pushed-away-and-still-thinking-about-decluttering-house-projects!

Rare Thomas Jefferson Letter Discovered For Sale Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Image shown upper left 1968 1cent Thomas Jefferson stamp; part of the Prominent Americans Series as shown at Mystic Stamp Company
Excerpt Published July 5, 2016 news article by Regina F. Graham for “Rare Thomas Jefferson letter discovered in family’s attic railing against the British goes on sale for $325,000”. @MailOnline
Excerpt RAAB Collection and link to their Thomas Jefferson items for sale – including other letters