Given how much fun different stationery font types are I’m happy to know the TypeCon2016 Annual Conference August 24 – 28 continues this weekend. Happy Friday!
My first introduction to learning about fonts were with the different manual typewriters in high school typing class. There is still the memory of a college roommate whose portable electric typewriter had a cursive font!
TypeCon2016 August 24-28 Seattle
The TypeCon conferences began in 1998. It was last held in Seattle in 2007. “TypeCon is an annual conference presented by the non-profit Society of Typographic Aficionados (SOTA), an international organization dedicated to the promotion, study, and support of typography and related arts.”
To see the different workshops click here. Given it is being blogged about today I’m only including mentioning the programs for today through Sunday.
Friday programs include: Never Use Futura, Hollywood Remakes: Type’s Relationship to Story, and Visual Translation: Typographic Study on Cross-cultural Branding.
Saturday programs include: Before Desktop Publishing: The Democratization of Typesetting Methods Before the Desktop Computer, TTFAutohint: Making Hinting Fast, Easy, and Global; When Words Matter: Writing About Type, and Applied Color Label Soda Bottles: A Collection & Obsession.

Sunday programs include: ITC Zapf Dingbats, Type on Track: Rio de Janeiro, Tramways & Carioca Letterform, Font Purchasing Habits Survey Results, To Protect and Defend: EULAs, Copyrights & Infringements, and Bestsellers.
See if you don’t find yourself today looking at all of the different items with their fonts! I’m off to go use my Dad’s Typewriter!
Anchors Aweigh,
TypeCon2016 Annual Conference August 24 – 28 Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced
Image above TypeCon logo from Twitter @typecon
Excerpt TypeCon About page
Image above from Twitter @BadsonStudio – Attention #TypeCon2016, this new TypeCon exclusive “TYPE” bar pin is available now! Grab them in the TypeCon Store. blog post Dad’s typewriter May 30, 2015 written by Helen Rittersporn