Today is September 08, 2016 and our daily blog post is on SuperFans Bjo and John Trimble who led the 1968 Save Star Trek Letter Writing Campaign. Today is 50 years from when the television series premiered Sept. 8, 1966. We then fast-forward to August 2016 with the 50th annual Star Trek Convention where they were recognized! But first, have to share that my new US Postal Service #StarTrekForever stamps arrived and I’m finding myself putting all four of the stamps onto the envelope for the TaDaaaaahhh effect!
There are numerous articles about the 1968 Save Star Trek Letter Writing Campaign. Over at John Trimble’s Contribution to Saving Star Trek – “There’s really no other way to put this: Were it not for the efforts of Bjo and John Trimble, the couple who launched the grassroots Save Star Trek letter-writing campaign after NBC cancelled The Original Series following season two, odds are Star Trek would be an afterthought today, a failed and forgotten series. There’d be no movies or spin-off series. And there’d be no” … Click here to read the entire article. There is also their two-part article Bjo Trimble: The Woman Who Saved Star Trek – Part 1 and Part 2.
And Geek & Sundry there is an article You Can Thank Star Trek Superfan Bjo Trimble for Saving The Enterprise.
At TREKPLACE there is the Bjo Trimble Interview page conducted via email in August 1999. It shows being updated as recently as June 2016. It begins with noting Bjo is “The Star Trek fan who, with husband John, kept the Human Adventure alive.”

Trimble: Well, prior to that, the Trimbles had organized, directed and run Worldcon Art Shows for 17 years. We already had a reputation for organizing things. I’d never tried to create fandom; it just happened. What happened was that when we mailed the how-to letter to get people to write NBC, I included all the addresses of people who lived nearby and suggested they get together. They did, and formed fan clubs. Had I thought it out, I’d have organized it so it was one huge club, paying us dues. Then we’d be rich by now! Please note that John Trimble was also one of the people who ran the Save Star Trek campaign. I’m just the noisy one, so I get all the publicity. Without John, I could not have done what was done.”
When I saw this image posted to Instagram last month it prompted today’s blog post topic! Talk of the original Star Trek brings with it Captain James T. Kirk and so I’ve included this link to read about William Shatner “regales Star Trek convention fans with his thoughts on Pokemon Go, reading, seeing the Gorn on a plane and the importance of Star Wars.” It is also available on YouTube. Speaking of YouTube this link to ‘Trekkies’ overrun 50th annual Star Trek Convention from August 2016 gives a nice perspective of the #STLV50 event.
Thank you for joining me today! See if you don’t find yourself putting all four of the new #StarTrekForever stamps onto your envelopes when sending out your hand written letters. As Peter Hass replied to me with his Retweet “Hope this becomes “a thing.” : – )
Anchors Aweigh,
1968 Save Star Trek Letter Writing Campaign Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced
Image above upper left Bjo Trimble: The Woman Who Saved Star Trek – Part 1; and Part 2.
Image above Star Trek Las Vegas- The Trimble Award John Trimble’s Contribution to Saving Star Trek
Image above Instagram August 6, 20164:05 PM PDT by Amanda Kooser@akooser
Excerpt TREKPLACE website Bjo Trimble Interview – YOU CAN THANK STAR TREK SUPERFAN BJO TRIMBLE FOR SAVING THE ENTERPRISE posted by Kendall Ashley, April 24, 2016
William Shatner talks Star Wars, Pokemon Go and ‘Twilight Zone’ monsters
YouTube ‘Trekkies’ overrun 50th annual Star Trek Convention posted by WTOP News Published on August 03, 2016 Video by Steve Winter and Kenny Fried
Twitter Peter Hass @PeterHass_ Retweet 5:56 PM – 7 Sep 2016 “Hope this becomes “a thing.” : – ) Thanks, @AnchoredScraps! #StarTrekForever blog post Star Trek Forever Commemorative Stamps Today September 09, 2016 written by Helen Rittersporn