Cooper & Dennis the Menace 2010 Stamp

On this Saturday morning it is Cooper & Dennis the Menace 2010 Stamp for our blog post.  Between fending off an exuberant five-month-old puppy Cooper who wants to grab my socks and putting on my Brooks running shoes I’m finishing writing today’s post!   Cooper continues to have new adult teeth arriving pushing out the old puppy teeth!

With that said, here’s some info about the 2010 Dennis the Menace stamp.

It is one of five stamps included in the 44-cent Sunday Funnies Commemorative stamp issued July 16, 2010.   “The Sunday Funnies stamp pane honors five of our most beloved comic strips: Archie, Beetle Bailey, Dennis the Menace, Garfield, and Calvin and Hobbes.”

“Enthusiastic curiosity combined with endless energy make “five-an’-a-half-year-old” Dennis Mitchell the most lovable “menace” ever. Cartoonist Hank Ketcham created the mischievous, blond-haired kid with a cowlick in 1951.

 Dennis explores his small world with his trusty slingshot and Ruff the dog. Dennis’ antics keep his doting parents, Henry and Alice, on their toes and always ready for damage control. The Mitchell’s retired neighbor, George Wilson, is less tolerant of Dennis – which is unfortunate for Dennis, as he considers “Good ol’ Mr. Wilson” his best friend. Mr. Wilson’s efforts to keep Dennis away are hampered by Mrs. Wilson, who adores Dennis and indulges him with cookies and milk. Despite Dennis’ constant disruptions, George sometimes shows a gruff fondness for the boy.” …

From the 1993 movie Dennis the Menace here is a scene with Dennis and Mr. Wilsons teeth.

I’m already seeing our morning antics to include in a letter to insert in a Get Well Card to a friend. Cooper must instinctively know that I’ve concluded this post given he is now kissing me knowing his leash is soon to follow – we are off for our walk!  Wishing you a  fun Saturday ahead, making time for puppy walks, and striving to get a few letters out into this morning’s mail!

Anchors Aweigh,  


Dennis the Menace 2010 Stamp Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
Image above MysticStampCompany_#4471 – 2010 44c Sunday Funnies-Dennis the Menace
YouTube Dennis the Menace 1993 Teeth posted by Black Sheep Published on May 25, 2015









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