We are looking at Agatha Christie The Grand Tour Letters book today; it was published in December 2013 (paperback), and in April 2012 (hardcover). The full title of the book is The Grand Tour Letters and photographs from the British Empire Expedition 1922.

It is fun to note that on this day, November 25, in 1952 Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap” opened in London. It enters its 65th year today – of a record-breaking run as the world’s longest-running stage production. You can read more about it here.
We have previously included Agatha Christie in a blog post here with a letter writing related theme, in September 2015 on Agatha Christie Prestige Stamp Booklet. It is fun to have my copy of it sitting at my letter writing desk to enjoy leafing through it.
The Grand Tour: Letters and Photographs from the British Empire Expedition 1922 by Agatha Christie
The online summary at Harper Collins Publishers includes the following:
“Unpublished for 90 years, Agatha Christie’s extensive and evocative letters and photographs from her year-long round-the-world trip to South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and America as part of the British trade mission for the famous 1924 Empire Exhibition. …
The extensive and previously unpublished letters are accompanied by hundreds of photos taken on her portable camera as well as some of the original letters, postcards, newspaper cuttings and memorabilia collected by Agatha on her trip.
Edited and introduced by Agatha Christie’s grandson, Mathew Prichard, this unique travelogue reveals a new side to Agatha Christie, demonstrating how her appetite for exotic plots and locations for her books began with this eye-opening trip, which took place just after only her second novel had been published… The letters are full of tales of seasickness and sunburn, motor trips and surf boarding, and encounters with welcoming locals and overbearing Colonials. …“
Thank you for joining me today for Agatha Christie The Grand Tour Letters. I’ve found myself today taking advantage of After-Thanksgiving-Sales with ordering this book. I’m looking forward to reading it!
Whether you find yourself out and about taking advantage of sales today, or staying indoors wishing you a great day ahead.
Anchors Aweigh,
Agatha Christie The Grand Tour Letters Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
History Channel, 1952 November 25 This Day In History “Mousetrap opens in London“.
Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap enters its 65th year, 25th November 2016 link referenced above as “here“.
Image above Cover – The Grand Tour: Letters and Photographs from the British Empire Expedition 1922 by Agatha Christie, Mathew Prichard (Editor) Goodreads
Excerpt The Grand Tour Letters and photographs from the British Empire Expedition 1922 by Agatha Christie, Harper Collins Publishers
Image above Scott BK155 Stanley Gibbons DX12 from Agatha Christie Prestige Stamp Booklet September 15, 2015, by Helen Rittersporn