If you know our puppy Cooper then today’s blog post topic of Saturday Socks Thief Cooper Letters makes perfect sense.
Cooper is a sock thief and Saturday mornings find him extra enthusiastic about demonstrating this talent.

Happy Saturday morning! Before we get started don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour with Daylight Saving Time ending overnight at 2:00 AM, Sunday, November 6, 2016.
This morning’s Saturday blog post is short and sweet given so much going on this weekend! Suffice it to say Cooper, our brittany spaniel puppy, now at seven months has truly managed to figure out the exact moment one is about to put on their socks before tennis shoes to go on our walk. And then he is off happily being chased!
I’m encouraging us this morning to remember to include the fun simple things that may seem ordinary. If I were to write this to you in an email it is forgotten pretty quickly. On the other hand, take a few minutes to jot this down and send in the mail and the memory no longer confined to digital world.
Go ahead and write about these fun simple things and mention in your note you dash off to a friend!
I’m off to get a photo of him with said socks and will post here later today. I’m giving a talk this afternoon and it includes sharing Cooper is a sock thief!
We’ve got two full weekends before the big ramp up to Thanksgiving! In the meantime, enjoy this fantastic Saturday in November. It is not too early to begin writing those from the heart Thanksgiving notes to mail in the coming weeks.
Anchors Aweigh,
Saturday Socks Thief Cooper Letters Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Image above of Cooper from AnchoredScraps.com blog post: Cooper and Vintage Puppy Postcards June 13, 2016, by Helen Rittersporn