On this Friday morning, we are reading about a Thank you card in New Zealand taking 23 Year Slow Mail Delivery; the story is from this past summer.
The article said the recipient lives 12 minutes away!
Wouldn’t it be fun
to know where this letter had been
during this time!

Here is a link to the story: That really is snail mail – card arrives 23 years after it was sent. Enjoy!
The article had some speculation and theories of where the letter had been.
It was able to state “… There are two cancellations on the envelope, one from 1993 and one from the Te Puni mail centre [in Petone] in 2010,” a spokeswoman said. …”
Join me tomorrow for my Saturday blog post. Here’s to hoping none of our letters run into a rare 23 Year Slow Mail Delivery!
Anchors Aweigh,
23 Year Slow Mail Delivery Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Image upper left: © Newlight | Dreamstime.com – Pocket Watch On Calendar Photo
Excerpt, and Image That really is snail mail – card arrives 23 years after it was sent by TOMMY LIVINGSTON, Last updated 17:55, August 10 2016