With today, Monday, January 16, 2017, being Martin Luther King, Jr. Day observed we are looking at the “I Have a Dream” 1999 stamp. And here is a link to my blog post from last year – it was about his famous “Letter from Birmingham Jail” he had written on April 16, 1963; also included was the 1979 15c Martin Luther King Jr. stamp.
The 33¢ Martin Luther King, Jr., “I Have a Dream” Stamp

The stamp was part of the Celebrate the Century – 1960s series. The stamp was issued on September 17, 1999.
“…When President John F. Kennedy proposed a civil rights bill in 1963, King organized a march on the capital to urge Congress to pass the legislation. The March on Washington took place August 28, 1963, and attracted over 200,000 people. Demonstrators marched from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial. The highlight of the march was King’s “I Have a Dream” speech, given at the Lincoln Memorial. …Congress passed Kennedy’s civil rights bill in 1964. The act called for an end to racial discrimination in education, employment, and in public places. King, whose struggle for equality changed America forever, was awarded the Nobel peace prize in 1964.”

“I Have a Dream” 1999 stamp Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Image above and excerpt – “I Have a Dream” U.S. #3188a Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebrate the Century – 1960s @USPS @USPSStamps
#3188a – 1999 33c “I Have a Dream” and Classic First Day Cover – from MysticStamp.com. #3188a 1999 33c “I Have A Dream”
AnchoredScraps.com blog post: “Letter from Birmingham Jail”, January 18, 2016, by Helen Rittersporn.