Today we are looking at the Upcoming InCoWriMo February 2017. InCoWriMo equals International Correspondence Writing Month and it is about committing to writing one letter a day in February!
“One a day. Every day. February.”

The idea of participating in the Upcoming InCoWriMo February 2017 was suggested to me by @JetPens on Monday in reply to my sharing I had ordered more #Waterman Long Ink Cartridges in several colors on Saturday.
The InCoWriMo website is nicely done and will walk you through signing up for free. The cost is whatever you are writing your letter on (stationery) and postage. Do not underestimate how nice it is to receive a plain three-ring notebook paper letter that has been handwritten! – The focus being hand written.
There is the Participants Map you can sign up – and it appears to just add your City and State as a pin on a world map.
Their FAQ page helps answer most questions.
I’m wanting to call out their easy steps to join the fun with a two-step process including this InCoWriMo Pledge.
Step 1 – “Raise a pen and recite the InCoWriMo Pledge aloud:”
“I, [insert your name], clearly see the benefits of InCoWriMo participation, not only to me personally, but also to those who will receive my correspondence. InCoWriMo is a beneficial endeavor and worthy of my full attention. I hereby pledge to hand-write and mail/deliver one letter, card, note or postcard every day during the month of February.”
And Step 2 –
“Hand-write and mail/deliver one letter, card, note or postcard every day during the month of February.
See? It’s that easy.
Pens ready? Go!”
If you do decide to participate in InCoWriMo and would like to have us exchange letters please write me! Please put InCoWriMo on the outside of the envelope. AND if you are also an email blog subscriber here at please let me know that too.
In addition, Yours truly has added her name to the list of names in the InCoWriMo Address Exchange 2017. This is purely optional and not required.

Upcoming InCoWriMo February 2017 Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Images above InCoWriMo Twitter logo, and 2017 planning calendar.
InCoWriMo Address Exchange 2017 blog post by eric, Jan 10, 2017. InCoWriMo @InCoWriMo @JetPens Tweet 12:01 PM – 16 Jan 2017