Today the Collectors Guide to Paperweights book is our daily blog topic.
Happy Friday!
The 1990 hardcover book by Sara Rossi has two editions and is 96 pages in length. There is a 1990 and, a 1995 issue listed. I’m ordering a copy of this book to see if any of my paperweights are found in the book. I’m going to start collecting some Paperweights Collecting books and this looks like a nice one to start my quest.
My paperweight collection has grown a lot in the past two years!
One of my earliest blog posts here, March 08, 2015, almost two years ago included showing my four paperweights – at the time. I’m going to need to get a photo taken of the current collection as it has grown a little. Stay tuned!

Anchors Aweigh,
Collectors Guide to Paperweights book Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today —
Collector’s Guide to Paperweights by Sara Rossi Image above of book cover.
Image blog post: Behind the Banner, March 09, 2015. Written by Helen Rittersporn.