Today we are continuing our Typewriter theme on Fathers’ Day weekend with today’s post Celebrating Vintage Typewriter TypeIn! The image upper left is of the Michigan type-in June 24th from over at The Typosphere website. And we have the answer to yesterday’s Q&A about who was Robert E Howard.
About “type-ins”
In case you missed it on Wednesday this week there was an article over at on Vintage typewriters gain fans amid ‘digital burnout’. The article includes mentioning Richard Polt, author of “The Typewriter Revolution: A Typist’s Companion for the 21st Century.” We covered the debut of his book when it came out! Thank you to Frank Skidmore for sharing the article with me!
“One way the typewriter craze is growing is through organized “type-ins” — meet-ups in public places where typewriter fans try different vintage machines. Such events have been held in Phoenix, Philadelphia, Seattle, Los Angeles and Cincinnati.”
There is a LOT in the article which I’ll cover more about in my blog post tomorrow, on Father’s Day.

Robert E Howard: The writer and his work
There is a website you will want to check out – “On An Underwood No. 5 blog” – Robert E. Howard: The writer and his work, by Todd B Vick, his blog devoted to REH since 2012.
At his site, under the category “Other REH sites” – it lists eight sites with links to each.
Wikipedia shares that Robert Ervin Howard was an American author. He wrote pulp fiction – think of Conan the Barbarian.
Perhaps before reading today’s blog post, you already did a google search to find out the answer to the question I posed in yesterday’s blog post, Typewriter Robert E Howard Pictorial Postmark. Please note that I did not know the answer when I first learned of the Pictorial Postmark. It was my stamp club buddy, Jimmy who recognized the author’s name.
Thank you for joining me today. It has been a day of honoring and remembering friends – one paying my respects at a Memorial service, and one celebrating a friend’s milestone birthday!
Join me tomorrow for my Father’s Day 2017 blog post. In the meantime see if there isn’t a Type-In coming soon to your area! I’m considering having one here in Wilmington, NC – stay tuned!
Anchors Aweigh,
Vintage Typewriter TypeIn Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today –
Michigan type-in June 24th The Typosphere Image Vintage typewriters gain fans amid ‘digital burnout’, Posted 3:57 p.m. Wednesday, June 14, 2017. By RUSSELL CONTRERAS, Associated Press.
“On An Underwood No. 5 blog” – Robert E. Howard: The writer and his work. Updates and New Projects by Todd Vick, Monday, January 16, 2017. Image by © Todd B. Vick. @TBVick.
Wikipedia Robert E. Howard January 22, 1906 – June 11, 1936 daily blog post: Typewriter Robert E Howard Pictorial Postmark, June 16, 2017, by Helen Rittersporn.