For the upcoming Labor Day Holiday, there are Labor Day eCards 123Greetings has available for free!
If you find yourself wanting to send something on Monday check out the collection of Labor Day ecards at

Their Labor Day categories I’m seeing include Happy Labor Day, Labor Day: Celebrations, and Labor Day: Weekend.
Last year my blog posts on Labor Day weekend included Printable Labor Day Stationery.
123Greetings(.com) is one of the largest, free e-greeting card providers, used by over 120 million people, across 192 countries. …123Greetings(.com) offers more than 42,000 free ecards under 3,000 seasonal and everyday categories. ..
– From Freebase
Let’s face it, you may find yourself with a little extra time on this three day weekend and want to send something to acknowledge it to your family and friends. Here’s an opportunity to do that for free!
Today is Part One of Two about eCard services offering Labor Day options. Join me tomorrow as we look at another option for sending free Labor Day ecards.
In the meantime, here’s to enjoying the long three day Labor Day Holiday weekend which hopefully includes writing a few letters to family and penpals!
Anchors Aweigh,
Labor Day eCards 123Greetings Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
123Greetings Labor Day eCards, showing two images above. @123GreetingsCom
Excerpt from Freebase (Bing search for 123Greetings)
AnchoredScraps Daily Blog post: Printable Labor Day Stationery, September 03, 2016, by Helen Rittersporn.