We are Kicking Off the new month with October 2017 Letter Writing Planning!
In kicking off the new month deciding on my blog post title today came down between two options. The first option is the one you see. The second option was October Letter Writing Cornucopia. For some reason did not get the latter title to work just right. The result is Kicking Off October 2017 Letter Writing Planning we have today!

The forecast I’m seeing in looking ahead at my letter writing for October is using my new goldfish orange dye ink pad as my go-to choice with rubber stamps for my envelopes enhancing my stationery. This is from seeing my new rubber stamp that says “Greetings from North Carolina” arriving in my mailbox this past week. It is a welcoming site! My new goldfish orange dye ink pad from picking it up while at the Tuesday Morning store now finds me all set for stamping the greeting on my envelopes.
“There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October.”
– Nathaniel Hawthorne
As much as I love old-style correspondence and encouraging us for sending handwritten letters, we can also use technology and leverage for reaching out to family and friends. For example, in looking at the month in front of me, I’m reminded if there are any email greetings I want to send out, I can go ahead and write them NOW and have them scheduled. The how-to details are in my Leveraging Email Scheduling Ahead Birthday Greetings from August 8th.
If you like me find yourself asking “How did October arrive so quickly?” it is okay! I’m reminding myself back in a February 2016 blog post on Goal Setting Letters it gave some helpful tips. In the meantime, back to the idea of Cornucopia, stay tuned – later this month a variation of October Letter Writing Cornucopia may still show up!
Anchors Aweigh,
Kicking Off October 2017 Letter Writing Planning Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today –
Image – ID 80759828 © Alexlmx | Dreamstime, October 2017 calendar, 3D rendering, October 2017 calendar, 3D rendering on white background
AnchoredScraps daily blog post Greetings From State Rubber Stamp, September 17, 2017; Leveraging Email Scheduling Ahead Birthday Greetings; August 08, 2017; Goal Setting Letters February 22, 2016; by Helen Rittersporn.