Today has been an absolute hoot with laughter and joy in seeing the photos for Cooper 2nd Birthday Pawville Party!

My special thanks to Cooper’s “Auntie Emily” at Surf City Pawville who brought personally made handmade popsicle and paw print treats! April 18 is a popular date as Daisy was also celebrating her 2nd birthday too.
My letter writing will be finding me in the next few days including at least two photos in each note to friends and family. Again my sincere thanks to Surf City Pawville for the enthusiastic & fun time celebrating Cooper’s birthday with dog day care buddies!
Little did we know when we saw photos of Cooper, our Brittany Spaniel, at age two days old that we would fast forward and marvel at how fast two years has gone by delighting us growing and now being 38 pounds of Brittany energy!

In addition, today I was sharing with a friend that when we lost Cuddy, and then getting Cooper that our hearts have expanded and we now have made room for this “heart” dog too in our family.
With writing a daily letter writing blog, it is a fun treat to get to share today’s event with you. Join me tomorrow for my Thursday blog post.
Anchors Aweigh,
Cooper 2nd Birthday Pawville Party Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today

Surf City Pawville N.C. website, images. Excerpt: “Surf City Pawville! We’re located on an acre of land off a quaint country road between Surf City and Hampstead, NC.”
AnchoredScraps Cooper Puppy Kindergarten Mailbox Letter 6-24-2016; Cooper and Vintage Puppy Postcards 6-13-