Monday Motivation Gumption

We are beginning the new week with what I’m calling Monday Motivation Gumption! If the thought of charging into the new week on this 16th day of April, finds us feeling a little sluggish – then today’s blog post is meant to inspire. Today’s post shares two great references to gumption in the movies “Working Girl”, and “The Holiday”.  And there is a spiral notebook too. If you are wondering what this has to do with letter writing, the overall driver of Monday Motivation Gumption applies to staying in touch too; staying motivated with making time for actually sitting down and putting pen to paper.  

“Working Girl” – “Gumption, Miss McGill”

Do you recall at the end of the 1988 movie, “Working Girl” with Melanie Griffith, Harrison Ford, and Sigourney Weaver? Right towards the end she is asked if this was a one time stunt or does she have the gumption to come in every day and put together new deals.

Tess : You can bend the rules plenty once you get to the top, but not while you’re trying to get there. And if you’re someone like me, you can’t get there without bending the rules.
Oren Trask: You’ve got a real fire in your belly, or was this just a one-time stunt that you pulled?
Tess : I’m not quite sure what you mean, sir. I’ve got something in my belly, but I think it’s nervous knots.
Oren Trask: Gumption, Miss McGill.”

“The Holiday” – “I think what I’ve got is something resembling, Gumption!”

If you’ve seen the 2006 movie, “The Holiday”, there is a scene where Kate Winslet finally stands up for herself, and when asked what’s gotten into her, says she has a “good old case of gumption”.

Iris: Now I’ve got somewhere really important to be and you have got to get the hell out! [opens door] Now!

Jasper: What exactly has gotten in to you?

Iris: I don’t know [pushes jasper out the door] but I think what I’ve got is something resembling, Gumption! [slams door shut]

Image KitCronkStudio on Etsy.


The images are of “Definition of Gumption” Spiral Notebook from KitCronkStudio on Etsy.

Because you can never have too many notebooks…
“Gumption (noun) an attitude of boldness, courage, and audacity.”

In addition to the above, I also came across a book on gumption which I’m ordering and will share in a future post. Here’s to a great week ahead – Happy Monday!

 Anchors Aweigh,

Monday Motivation Gumption Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today

Quotes from Working Girl, Madame Wong – Randomness from a compulsively crafty girl.

IMDb Working Girl Photo gallery

The Holiday Quotes Rotten Tomatoes

IMDb The Holiday Photo gallery image

KitCronkStudio ETSY Shop, image, link, excerpt

AnchoredScraps daily blog post: The 12 Days of Christmas (Amendments version) 7-24-2015




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