We are looking at the Seaglass Colored Pencil Art Cards Greeting Set Stationery for our post today.
Seaglass is so pretty and something I’m wanting to begin collecting locally at Topsail Island.
Seaglass Colored Pencil Art Cards by Headspace Illustrations

The Etsy Shop Headspace Illustrates is offering this set of five blank note cards in the set featuring sea glass illustrations. The Seaglass Colored Pencil Art Cards are described as size “A6”; if you are not familiar with that name A6 cards are 4 1/2 inches by 6 1/4 inches with the envelopes 1/4 inch larger.
“Comes with white envelopes
– Gloss finish
– Size A6, non-folded with blank back …– All note cards are carefully enclosed in a cellophane sleeve, and shipped in a rigid cardboard mailer to ensure your item arrives safely.”
I’m considering doing something with seaglass with my Mother’s Day gift I’ll be sending out shortly. As a reminder, the countdown is on – one week from today is Mother’s Day! Join me tomorrow as we kick off a new week here at AnchoredScraps.
Anchors Aweigh,
Seaglass Notecards Greeting Set Stationery Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today –
Seaglass Notecards Greeting Set Stationery – Seaglass Notecards Greeting Set Stationery (link above), excerpt, and images.
You may also enjoy AnchoredScraps daily blog post: Pure Sea Glass Boxed Note Cards 11-25-2017
HR Addendum January 25, 2019, updating formatting and slight grammar adjustments for SEO from the desktop, renaming Seaglass Notecards Greeting Set Stationery to Seaglass Colored Pencil Art Cards