On presenting at upcoming WordCamp Birmingham 2018

At the WordCamp Birmingham 2018 website, it is a joy to find mention of my upcoming presentation in their post today. It is an honor to be included with Kathryn Lang in the same paragraph in the article!

WordCamp Birmingham 2018 is on August 4-5 at the Pelham Civic Center 

The below excerpt is from 5 Reasons Bloggers Should NOT Attend WordCamp Birmingham 2018″ by Javacia Harris Bowser

You should not attend WordCamp if you love being stuck in a blogging rut.

Are you having a hard time coming up with enough innovative content to update your blog a few times a week or even once a week? Well, Helen Rittersporn has been blogging every single day since February 26, 2015! Her WordCamp Birmingham session “12 Lessons from Daily Blogging” is sure to get your inspired and cure your blogger’s block. Also, Kathryn Lang will kick off the content track with a session on how to repurpose your content.”

I’m providing these two main links; this link is to see Schedule, and this link to see Speakers.

The event is less than three weeks away!  I am already working on my presentation. My letter writing tie-in will include having postcards I’m creating with “Greetings from WordCamp Birmingham 2018”!  One of my insights since presenting at the daily 900 blog post milestone, is the realization of how critical prioritizing continues to be – more to follow!


Anchors Aweigh,


Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today –

WordCamp Birmingham 2018 schedule, excerpt

Javacia Harris Bowser, See Jane Write





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