The Current Catalog BOGO Sale underway has a LOT of items worth exploring.
To net it out, it is a huge intersection of savings when looking at Sale, BOGOS (Buy One Get One Free), Warehouse Clearance, and Seasonal Sales. Here is a link.

Furthermore, think of the Current Catalog BOGO Sale as a great opportunity to combine stocking up via having a treasure hunt. Not only will you find fun stationery items but also SAVE.
Tomorrow will find me on the road to WordCamp Birmingham 2018. Friday evening kicks off with the Speaker dinner event. The two-day WordCamp event runs Saturday and Sunday (my blog post on the upcoming event is below). On Saturday morning I’ll be presenting! And yes, will continue blogging daily.
In the meantime, Here’s wishing us all a Happy (Letter Writing) Thursday!
Anchors Aweigh,
Current Catalog BOGO Sale Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Current Catalog, Image
You may also enjoy AnchoredScraps After Christmas Stationery Sales 12-26-2017; On presenting at upcoming WordCamp Birmingham 2018 7-16-2018