It is a joy to be sending you WordCamp Birmingham 2018 Greetings! Today has been Day 1 of the 2-day event! The hospitality of the organizing team of volunteers has been exceptional.
Getting to be a Presenter at WordCamp Birmingham 2018 this morning in the Content Track was so much fun! At some point in the future, the video of my presenting today will be available on WordPress.TV. It was really fun to weave in Letter Writing within my presentation today: 12 Lessons from Daily Blogging for over 1200 Days & Still Counting.

Of course, I will be having a wrap-up post with photos to follow, anticipating that being in my post tomorrow for Wrapping Up WordCamp Birmingham 2018.

Furthermore, as an Organizer for WordCamp Wilmington 2018, (which is September 22 & 23), it is inspiring to see the amazing ensemble team of volunteers displaying fantastic organization and planning. My sincere thank you to their team for making me feel so welcomed having made the trip here from North Carolina.

In conclusion, there is going to be a LOT of letter writing for me in the near future with sending out follow-up notes and thank you’s. It was fun to even share a few stories about Cooper with new friends this evening at the WordCamp Birmingham 2018 Afterparty. Lots of photos to follow tomorrow!
Anchors Aweigh,
WordCamp Birmingham 2018 Greetings Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
WordCamp Birmingham 2018 website
AnchoredScraps On presenting at upcoming WordCamp Birmingham 2018 7-16-2018