The timing is great for Discovering Three Kings Card with beautiful embossing.
After talking with a friend yesterday, I’m finding comfort in reminding myself the 12 days of Christmas are actually underway now; especially since I’m still addressing by hand my Christmas cards!
Back on January 6, 2017, my blog post was on Epiphany Three Kings Day Christmas Magi Stamp.
From What Are the 12 Days of Christmas? article: “The 12 days of Christmas, in fact, are the days from Dec. 25, celebrated as the birth of Jesus Christ, to the Epiphany, celebrated on Jan. 6 …”
PaperArtFlower Etsy Three Kings Card

Over at Etsy, the PaperArtFlower Shop is offering this Three Kings Card. She specializes in Handmade Greeting Cards.
They come in a set of five for $4.95 and set of ten for $8.95.
“White Embossed Three Kings Cards with White envelope.”
I’m looking forward to ordering this later this evening and its arrival hopefully later next week.
Please join me tomorrow for my Friday blog post. In the meantime, I’m off to work on finishing up my Christmas cards!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who are referenced today
Etsy PaperArtFlower, Three Kings Card image, excerpt. 12th Day of Christmas, Epiphany Day, Nativity Scene Card
HowStuffWorks, “What Are the 12 Days of Christmas?“ by Sam Abramson
AnchoredScraps referenced above