This very cool Smithsonian Postal Museum 1000 Piece Puzzle by the Jigsaw Puzzle Factory is our focus today. In our family, we can usually find a puzzle working on during Christmas.
It was a fun gathering earlier this evening for the annual Wilmington Philatelic Society Christmas Social. The evening included a drawing style exchange of small philatelic themed gifts between the members. The Smithsonian Postal Museum 1000 Piece Puzzle was one of the gifts which I HAD to get photos of and to share here!
I’m finding a listing for it over at eBay 1000 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle Smithsonian U.S. Postage. Now the following is not confirmed; however, I believe I heard talk of this found at Michael’s about a week ago if that helps with finding one of these puzzles.
Today’s puzzle is NOT to be confused with one I was blogging about back in 2016, Saturday Puzzles & Jigzone Puzzle Postcards (11-12-2016); that one was by Discovery Bay Games whereas today’s puzzle is from The Jigsaw Puzzle Factory. (And the images of the covers are different!)
In conclusion, discovering the puzzle sharing today is one that has me considering one for this year! But mum’s the word as the expression goes, as it is hard to share here knowing family members read my daily blog post! Stay tuned!
Anchors Aweigh,

P.S. Christmas is two weeks from today!
P.P.S. Today is AnchoredScraps daily blog post #1385 celebrating encouraging old-style correspondence letter writing – including stamp collecting!
Smithsonian Postal Museum 1000 Piece Puzzle Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today
AnchoredScraps post listing above