The Sun Prarie WI Groundhog Day 2019 Pictorial Postmark is available for the next 30 days by mail.
Before showing the details on the Groundhog Day 2019 Pictorial Postmark, I’m sharing about the City of Sun Prarie, WI and their Jimmy the Groundhog, including a vintage City of Sun Prarie Groundhog Day commemorative postcard.
To begin with, in reading the History of Groundhog Day section on the website it is sharing the following.
“For over 50 years, the Sun Prairie members and supporters have been proclaiming Sun Prairie to be “The Groundhog Capital of the World.”
You will want to read the article especially as it includes the contributions of the Postmaster; and the “good natured ribbing” with Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.
Secondly, here is a photo of Jimmy the Groundhog.

Sun Prarie WI Groundhog Day 2019 Pictorial Postmark
In the Thursday USPS Postal Bulletin 22512, it is reminding “… requests must be postmarked no later than 30 days following the requested pictorial postmark date.”

In addition, here is the address:
Pictorial Postmarks
February 2, 2019
United States Postal Service
Groundhog Day Station
PO Box 9998
Sun Prairie, WI 53590-9998
Furthermore, if you are new to requesting a pictorial postmark or just wanting a refresher on the details, this will walk you through the steps for requesting.
Today is my Fourth Annual Groundhog Day post
As we wrap up I’m including the links from the previous three years on this day.
- 2018 Groundhog Day 2018 Pictorial Postmark 02-02-2018
- 2017 Groundhog Day Punxsutawney Phil Postcards 2-02-2017
- 2016 Groundhog Day 2016 2-02-2016
Here Comes Spring!
Anchors Aweigh,
P.S. Day 2 of InCoWriMo 2019!
Sun Prarie WI Groundhog Day 2019 Pictorial Postmark Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today
1-31-19 USPS Postal Bulletin 22512, image excerpt
City of Sun Prarie, WI website, image vintage commemorative postcard, excerpt
Jimmy the Groundhog doesn’t see shadow in Sun Prairie WKOW, February 2, 2019