I’m loving this Greeting Card Last Palindrome week in the Century t-shirt design over at Redbubble. Today is day 5 of 10 days of the current 10 underway being palindromes dates 2019 September using the month-day-year format (9-14-19).

In my blog yesterday, and earlier this week I was sharing the dates between 91019 and 91919 are all palindromes. Thank you again to my local stamp club buddy Jimmy, for bringing it to my attention.
Redbubble Greeting Card Last Palindrome week in the Century t-shirt Stationery
Writing my AnchoredScraps daily blog encouraging letter writing, I knew there must be a tie-in with stationery with there being 10 days of Palindromes!
Redbubble is also showing a postcard in the same design as the Greeting Card Last Palindrome week in the Century t-shirt, designed by cemnpsgul.
The card is $3.54 for one 4 x 6 size. If we get the 5 x 7.5 it is $5.16 each. In addition, it shows a variable pricing discount when ordering quantities. Furthermore, I’m seeing it show the design available on 60+ products at Redbubble.
Farmers’ Almanac September 2019: 10 Days of Palindromes!
Next, we have this blog posting entitled September 2019: 10 Days of Palindromes! by Farmers’ Almanac Staff.
“It’s Palindrome Week, a week – well, 10 days – when each date can be read the same backward and forward.
Palindrome Week is unique to the few countries, such as the USA, that write dates in the month-day-year format (9-10-19). September’s series of palindromes only work if the date is written with the last two digits of the year and no zero before the month — 09-10-2019 isn’t a palindrome, for example.”
It does a great job of explaining along with listing future Palindrome days with the “full two-digit form of the day and month, and the full four-digit form of the year, are rare palindromes. There are only 12 such dates in this entire century”. The list shows the upcoming day of January 2, 2010 (01022010) as one of them, perfect if you are looking for a unique milestone date event!
See you tomorrow with my Sunday blog post!
Anchors Aweigh,

P.S. Today is daily blog post #1662, the trek continues to #1700!
Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
Farmers’ Almanac