The timing is good seeing this eBay listing for a 1940s Daylight Savings handwritten letter to Anderson, Indiana Mayor. Before beginning, a reminder Saturday evening (tonight) overnight our clocks are falling backward one hour. This means instead of 2:00 AM it will really be 1:00 am local standard time on November 3, 2019, Sunday.

eBay listing for a 1940s Daylight Savings handwritten letter to Anderson, Indiana Mayor
It is an original, not reproduction of vintage era letter. The listing is at $9.99 by an eBay longtime member.
“Check it out…Here’s a classic one-oof-a-kind 5 1/2″ wide by 7” tall bifold two-page handwritten letter from the 1940s World War II era written by a woman in Anderson Indiana to the mayor complaining about daylight savings time. Letter reads: “Anderson. Mayor + City Council. Dear Sirs: in regards to daylight savings time; my opinion is that we lived under daylight savings for four years. So why not try living under God’s time for a while. Think it would be a welcome change and I feel and know that a great many people feel as I do. Of course I know I am a very small called in this machinery of the city and this is my honest opinion seems to me there is no great benefits denied by changing the time. And all the respect I remain just a housewife. Sincerely Mrs. Jonas Byer 120 W. 29th Street Anderson.”
What makes it such an interesting listing is the background history the seller is including about “… daylights savings time in Indiana BEFORE it was signed into law in 2007”. You can read it here with it beginning about before 1883 and bringing the history through the 1950s.
See you tomorrow, for what will feel earlier!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following who I am referencing today –
eBay ghost-train65
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