There are ADDITIONAL 2019 Holiday Pictorial Postmarks I’m seeing, including a retro Santa Station 2019 design for Saugerties, NY.
All of the mailing details for requesting for them are in today’s Pictorial Postmarks Announcement, the last one for 2019.

I’m already seeing where I’m going to have to update the layout from my blog earlier in the month on the MANY 2019 Christmas Holiday Pictorial Postmarks (12-05-2019).
Below are a few of them I’m including.
There is the Pictorial Postmark for Mount Marion Station, Marion, NY
Next, here is the 2019 Springfield Area Nativity Theatre Association MN.
And then this Christmas stocking pictorial postmark for St. Joseph Office Station, for St. Joseph, IL.
Before closing, this reminder, the mailing details for requesting along with the specific addresses are at the bulletin (link below).
See you tomorrow as we head into the last weekend before Christmas 2019! Where did December go?!
Anchors Aweigh,
Attribution & Thank you to the following I’m referencing today
USPS Postal Bulletin Issue 22534 12-19-19