It is time for this Letter Writing Addresses Backups Reminder.
I’m mindful today as I’m looking at wrapping up the month of May, there are several things I’m needing to go round up for ensuring thorough backups.
This list to myself includes rounding up all recently received letters since the first of the year. In fact, its a great time to make sure all of the Christmas cards received I’ve updated addresses for them so I have for Christmas 2020, which by the way is 6.97 MONTHS away!
Furthermore, I’m including this listing of previous blog posts about backups and their importance.

Letter Writing Addresses Backups Reminder
- Reminder on Making Time for Backups 7-15-2019
- It is time for running backups of letter writing addresses 3-27-2019
- Making Time for Letter Writing Addresses Backups 6-04-2018
- Motivational Monday: Importance of Backups 10-05-2015
- Plan B (Backup planning) 8-21-2015
Anchors Aweigh,
P.S. My sincere thanks to the website for the many menu options for viewing the different “Christmas Countdowns”.